Heya there! This is my blog! Here, I'll post things that happened to me or stuff that I found interesting, updates on my projects, or just other stuff I like to ramble anout in general. I don't have a set posting schedule, so I'll post whenever I feel like it :p
An blog always (not really) kicks things off with a new post at the beginning, so let's start things off with a bang!
Today, I was supposed to be in school, but since today was a half-a-day, I was allowed to stay home and do my own thing! I didn't have any plans to do, but then I got an idea: "Why not work on the blog on your Neocities page?"
And here we are, y'all, an brand new page since weeks! Hope ya like the new addition here and the Nikocado image I put in this thingy!
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